28 Great Ideas For Writing Headlines

John Caples is an icon in the direct marketing copywriting world for good reason. He knew how to write ads that made money for his clients, and his methods have been proven winners over many decades. Let Caples inspire you with he following 28 idea-generating ways you can write a headline that will help sell your products and services.

Begin with “Introducing.”
– Introducing a new carburetor guaranteed to improve your mileage by 20%!

Begin with “Announcing.”
– Announcing a time-saving way to edit your manuscript!

Start with “New.”
– New software cuts your printing costs in half!

Start with “At last!”
– At last, a diaper changing system that does the work automatically!

Start with “Finally!”
– Finally, tires that will last 200,000 miles!

Put a date in your headline.
– Buy now – prices will increase on April 1!
Note: Using dates can be dangerous. Be mindful of last minute changes and tight production schedules that could cause a delay in running your ad.

Write your headline in a news style.
– Secret revealed – lose 50 pounds in five weeks

Feature the price in your headline.
– Pure solid gold men’s watch for $199!
Note: make sure your price is extraordinary if you’re going to draw attention to it.

Feature a special merchandising offer.
– Buy 2 rose bushes – get 1 FREE!

Feature an easy payment plan.
– Buy today, and pay no interest for 12 months.

Feature a free offer.
– FREE 30-day trial

Offer information of value.
– Learn basic English in 15 days or less

Tell a story.
– Loneliness helped me lose 45 pounds

Begin with “How To.”
– How to get a raise using one simple phrase

Begin with “How.”
– How I make $100,000 a year working from homw

Begin with “Why.”
– Why your back hurts when you pick up you child

Begin with “Which.”
– Which of these financial burdens would you like to lose

Begin with “Who Else.”
– Who else wants whiter teeth and fresh breath

Begin with “Wanted.”
– Wanted! Moms who want to protect their children from allergies

Begin with “This.”
– This amazing ointment cures unsightly warts in three days

Begin with “Advice.”
– Advise to new fathers

Use a testimonial-style headline.
– This newsletter helped me save $159 a month on my mortgage

Offer the reader a test.
– Can your car pass this gas-mileage test?

Use a one-word headline.
– Yachts

Use a two-word headline.
– Inexpensive yachts

Warn the reader to delay buying.
– Don’t buy a house until you read this

Let the advertiser speak directly to the reader.
– I guarantee you’ll save 25% on your next car

Address your headline to a specific person or group.
– Every man over 39 needs this now

Bob Hull
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