Insider Secret Revealed For Local SEO Success

“For Small Business Owners Who STILL Don’t Know How To Effortlessly Get A Steady Flow Of High-Quality Leads That Turn Into Paying Customers”

Game Changer For Small Business Owners

If there was a science-backed system that sent you a steady stream of high-quality leads to boost your monthly sales…

And virtually turn Google search into your very own referral service…

Would you jump at the chance to go from disappointing, inconsistent sales to being a cash-flow powerhouse by converting more prospects into paying customers like never before?

If your answer is “ABSOLUTELY YES,” then keep reading.

Imagine how this could transform your business…

  • Your phone continually rings with new leads, and hot prospects also drop in at your business without you having to chase them.
  • These people are actively looking for the products and/or services you sell, so it’s easier to convert them into paying customers because they’re coming to you at the peak of their interest and ready to buy.

Just think…

Your revenue steadily climbs, so cash flow gets better every month, which makes it easier to meet payroll, pay bills and invest in new equipment.

And best of all you sleep well at night with peace of mind knowing that your business is thriving.

The Secret is called LOGIC. An acronym for the five key factors that drive your business to the top of the Google search rankings, which will give you a steady stream of high quality leads and more new customers.

LOGIC is a proven method for local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) based on the algorithmic science that Google uses to rank local businesses in their search results. It also works with Bing and Yahoo search as well.

Here’s the bottom line.

If your local small business does a better job using LOGIC than your direct competitors, you will rank higher than they do in the Google search rankings.

What Small Business Owners Don’t Know About How Google Ranks Your Business

Here’s a little-known fact you need to know: Google grades on a curve based on their proprietary ranking factors.

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors, but some factors (the LOGIC factors) carry a lot more weight. Below you’ll see the numbers that verify that fact.

Most small business owners don’t understand that. But you need to because then you’ll start to better understand why some local businesses do so well in Google search, and others don’t.

If you’re serious about getting to Google page one you need to start with the SEO foundational elements. That’s what LOGIC is… your SEO foundation.

Sure, you can add more SEO elements later, and you may need to (especially if you’re in a competitive market), but first you need to build a solid foundation.

Cracking The Code: How I Discovered LOGIC and how it can help your small business, too.

I was working with a small business owner who had dominated his local Google search rankings for years.

Over a few months of time he and his staff noticed that the phone wasn’t ringing as much with new leads. Business was slowing down and there was a negative trend developing.

So, he went to Google search and started plugging in his most important search terms.

What he found astonished him.

His business was no longer at the top of Google page one. It had slipped several places down the page.

He hadn’t done anything different, but his business was fading in the search rankings, which confused him.

One lesson to learn is that online search rankings are not static. You have to work to get to the top and then work hard to stay there.

What made his situation worse was that a new business listed in first place at the top for several important search terms was a former employee who had recently started a new competing business in town.

The well-established business owner felt a bit humiliated that a former employee was ranking above him and taking the new customers that used to come his way.

Then he asked me to help him get back on top of the Google search rankings, so I did a deep dive into local SEO factors to see exactly what we needed to do.

To make a long story short, I came across some definitive research about the most important Google search ranking factors (see below). Important factors that, when working together in unison, worked like magic.

Then I worked on each of those factors and we got the established business owner back on top.

  • The phone started ringing a lot more often…
  • More new customers came in each month…
  • Revenues increased…
  • And business was good again.

Here’s the science, and proof, for why the LOGIC system works like a charm for any kind of small business in any local market.

This is what LOGIC stands for…

Links to your website (backlinks).
On-page SEO
Google My Business
Internet reviews

These five things will virtually guarantee that your small business will soar in your local google search rankings.

How do we know this to be true… the science behind the Google algorithm.

Here’s where you want to see your local business on page one of Google in order to get more new customers… the “local pack” and at the top of the “organic” search results.

Local SEO Packages local Pack & Organic Results

The following numbers from MOZ are critical to your success, so take a minute to review them.

Notice the ranking factors and their importance expressed as a percentage.

For the Local Pack you’ve got Google My Business (19%), Links (17%), On-Page SEO (14%), Citations (13%) and Reviews (13%).

That’s a total of 76% of the major Google algorithm local ranking factors.

Chiropractic Online Marketing Google Local Pack, Organic Search

Do you see why the LOGIC elements are so vitally important for your local SEO?

And for organic search you’ve got the same things in a little different order.

There are two that are out of your control (behavioral signals and personalization), so we can’t do anything about them.

The one at the bottom of both lists – social media – is the least important, so we won’t worry about it.

Besides, many businesses have at least a Facebook page, so part of that small 4% is covered for them.

Concentrate On The Five LOGIC Factors And More New Leads And Customers Will Follow Like Clockwork… You’ll BOOST Your Profits… And Your Small Business Will Be The New Leader Of The Pack In Your Town!

The Google algorithm will see to that, WITHOUT you having to do ANY HARD WORK!

And you’ll be able to check your progress for yourself by doing quick local searches from your own office computer.

The Results… How LOGIC Helps Local Businesses Rise To The Top!

Let’s take a look at some results where LOGIC helped a chiropractic business dominate their local search rankings.

This chiropractor wanted my help to go after certain keywords where he wasn’t ranking at all.

Some were in English, and some were in Spanish to help him draw in Latino patients he enjoyed working with.

Any number you see between positions 1 and 10 in the image below confirm that he was on page one of Google for that keyword (there are 10 positions on each page).

As you can see, his business reached the VERY TOP (#1) position on the very first page for Google for each keyword where you see a “1”.

“Aetna” related keywords were harder to get to the number one spot on page one because he was actually competing with Aetna.

And for “auto accident injury” he was competing with accident injury attorneys, but he was the number one chiropractor on Google page one.

As you can see, implementing the LOGIC system also works well for Yahoo and Bing.

Disclaimer: Implementing LOGIC certainly worked incredibly well for this chiropractic business, but results vary. That’s because every local business has different ranking issues to deal with and every local market is different as well.

Why does LOGIC work like crazy no matter how low your local business ranks in Google now… No matter how long you’ve been in business… No matter how popular your competition appears to be?

As mentioned earlier, Google grades on a curve.

So, if you apply more LOGIC to your business than your direct local competition does… You get ranked higher… You get the lion’s share of the new leads… and new customers.

You can take that to the bank… literally!

So, make your choice: apply LOGIC to your small business or keep on doing what your doing and getting the same results you’re getting now.

And keep this in mind: if you’re just doing what everyone else has been doing for the last few years, your business will get left in the dust by those who know better. What’s working now… and for the foreseeable future… LOGIC!

Remember, getting high-quality leads translates directly into more new customers for YOUR business. has done the research to show that organic traffic (that’s what SEO brings you) is the most consistent source of traffic and CONVERTS INTO PAYING CUSTOMERS UP TO SEVEN TIMES HIGHER THAN PAID ADS. That means that a high percentage of these leads from Google are ready to buy.

So, if you decide to fully apply LOGIC to your small business you can enjoy the prestige of being a profitable business owner in full control of your destiny without the risk and uncertainty others experience when they go into business for themselves.

You may be wondering…

“How can I know where my business stands in my local market where the LOGIC factors are concerned?”
“How will I know how to apply LOGIC to my business?”

The answer: Local Market Validation™.

Local Market Validation™ analysis “validates” that Google is getting what it needs from your business to rank it high in their results.

If you are not giving Google what it wants, then local market validation shows you precisely how to satisfy Google to rank your local business higher… MUCH, MUCH HIGHER!

And it strategically prioritizes what you do every step of the way to make sure you…

  • Don’t’ waste your time
  • Don’t waste your money

Local Market Validation is a blueprint – a step by step guide – for your local Google ranking success!

  • Stop struggling and working so hard to get more high-quality leads that convert into new customers.
  • Do what other smart local business owners do… use the proven, easy way to get new leads and customers like clockwork!
  • STOP missing out on your fair share of the new customers that are critical to the success of your small business.

With Local Market Validation you leave nothing to chance.

You’ll know precisely where your small business stands with the LOGIC factors and exactly what you need to do to dominate local SEO in your town.

Any small business owner can use Local Market Validation to acquire high quality leads…

  • EVEN IF you know absolutely nothing about how local SEO works
  • EVEN IF you do not have a technology background
  • EVEN IF you don’t have time to go through various learning curves

Local Market Validation is a “done-for-you” blueprint; a roadmap to success for getting the highest quality leads for your business in your town.

Find out exactly what it takes to TURN YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS INTO A NEW-CUSTOMER MAGNET by getting the lion’s share of top-quality leads! You don’t have to be a slave to your business to make it happen.

The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING to make Google rank you at the very top of page one… once you get this working for your small business the new leads will follow automatically.

Uncover the reasons why YOUR BEST PROSPECTS ARE GOING TO YOUR LOCAL COMPETITOR around the corner instead of your business. Then REVERSE IT SO THEY COME TO YOU.

Find the hidden problems you don’t even know about your own business that could STOP YOU COLD FROM GETTING MORE LEADS, so you can correct them.

Local Businesses MUST have ONE CRITICAL TRUST ELEMENT to get the best leads… find out if your business has it. If not, discover the easy way to get it fast.

If you’re making ONE PARTICULAR MISTAKE with your online business listings, then you COULD BE SABOTAGING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES FOR MORE NEW LEADS. See if you are.

Learn how some little-known insider tips can TURN GOOGLE INTO YOUR VERY OWN REFERRAL SERVICE… that works like a non-stop machine 24/7/365. Get more new leads and customers like clockwork.

REVEALED: Critical things that marketing agencies won’t tell you… and they could ABSOLUTELY BE COSTING YOU NEW CUSTOMERS!

CAUTION: Without Local Market Validation, anyone can sell you services that you just don’t need… because you don’t have all of the facts required to make the right decisions.

Who Exactly Is Local Market Validation For?

If Any Of The Following Apply To You… Then You DEFINITELY Need Local Market Validation™



You’ve OPENED A NEW SMALL BUSINESS in the last year, or two.

You understand that attracting new customers from ONLINE IS THE KEY TO GROWING YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS IN THIS AGE OF THE INTERNET.

You want to SPEND LESS TIME SELLING and more time running your business.

You’re TOO BUSY to spend a lot of time on marketing.


You’re SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY ON GOOGLE ADWORDS pay per click campaigns.

You want to FIND BETTER PROSPECTS who are easier to convert into PAYING CUSTOMERS.

You want to INJECT NEW LIFE INTO YOUR BUSINESS to make it grow.

So now you need to make some decisions…

WOULD YOU RATHER start getting new high-quality leads pouring into your business, and more new customers as a result, or continue on like you’re doing now?

WOULD YOU RATHER waste time and money trying to figure it all out for yourself or be given the answers for your specific business in your local marketno guesswork, a huge time saving and a shortcut to getting loads of new high-quality leads?

WOULD YOU RATHER let all those new customers find your local competitors each month or have them hand YOU their cash and credit cards instead?

WOULD YOU RATHER struggle with cash flow or watch with pride as your business grows and you have all the money you need to provide an awesome lifestyle for your family?

Limited-time offer. Normally $299…
Today You Can Get An 85% Discount.
You Pay Only $44.85!

You Can’t Get Local Market Validation anywhere else, you can only get it from Noble Direct Marketing.

  • For a limited time you can take advantage of this special offer and get it for 85% off.
  • Your price if you order today is just $44.85.
  • You’ll also get a 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!
  • So, there’s NO RISK for you whatsoever and NO OBLIGATION.

100% Money Back GuaranteeIron-Clad, 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

First, if you don’t believe that the Local Market Validation analysis will help you skyrocket in your local Google search results… I’ll refund all your money.

Second, if you decide that you don’t want to use the Local Market Validation analysis to help you get more high-quality leads and new customers… I’ll refund 100% of the $44.85 you paid.

Third, if you’re just having a bad day and want to get your money back so you can go have a nice lunch to cheer yourself up… I’ll refund every penny to you.

Whatever your reason might be for wanting a refund, I’ll give it to you… and you can take the full 30 days to think about it.

I’m so confident that you’re going to be absolutely thrilled with all you’re going to learn – and excited to apply it to your small business – that I’ll give you my Iron-Clad, 100% Money Back Guarantee for whatever reason you may have… or no reason at all. Just ask.

NOTE: You MUST already have a website in order to get this Local Market Validation analysis. Without a website you’ve already lost the local SEO sweepstakes. Let me know If you need help with a website because that would be step one for you.

Click on the PayPal “Buy Now” button below and order your Local Market Validation now while it’s still available for this ridiculously low price.

Once you do you’ll receive an email requesting the information needed to run the analysis.

When completed, I’ll share the results with you and show you how to get ranked higher in Google search to get more high-quality leads and more new customers.

And if you have any questions you would like answered first, you can call me – Bob – at (949) 635-9281, or email me at [email protected].

Time Is Running Out!

I have a limited amount of time to do Local Market Validation™ analysis at this deeply discounted price. So, per my availability, this offer could instantly vanish at any time without warning.

You may find this web page if you come back tomorrow, but why take that chance?

Also, to be blunt, I only want to offer this special deal to serious minded small business owners who will put this valuable secret into practice.

And serious business people will recognize, and jump on, this business growth opportunity immediately.

Don’t wait… every day you put this off could be costing your business high quality leads that turn into new paying customers.

So, click on the “Buy Now” button below before this limited-time offer to grow your business goes away!

100% Money Back Guarantee

NOTE: If you email me when you purchase it alerts me to turn your analysis around a little bit faster. You can click the following link to do that: [email protected]


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