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~Attention Small Business Owners~
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“How To Get All The New Customers You Want… WITHOUT All The Hard Work!”
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Discover The Proven Way To Get More New Customers Automatically… Shown To Work Time After Time… And You Can Find Out How To Do It Right Now Without Spending One Penny!
This may shock you.
It doesn’t matter how many customers you’ve been getting lately… how much you spend on your advertising… or how well you know your local market.
Chances are YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS IS ONLY SEEING A FRACTION OF THE SUCCESS that it would if you knew what you’re about to learn now.
And it’s not complicated.
Everyone Knows That Getting Your Local Business On Page One Of Google Search Means More New Customers.
- Google has 88% of the search market. (gs.statcounter.com)
- 92% of searchers will pick businesses on the first page of local search results. (Chitika)
- 97% searched online to find a local business. (Hubspot)
- 88% of local business searches result in either a phone call or visit to the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)
When You Get To The Top Of The Google Local Search Results, Something Amazing Happens…

Get More New Customers… Sales Skyrocket!
Google will send you one customer after another – automatically – and you’ll see your revenue go up month after month.
Your best prospects will find your local business… they’ll call or come by to see you… and you’ll get the first chance to help them instead of your direct competition around the corner.
Say goodbye to cash flow worries… forget about having to chase customers… be the go-to business leader in your town for all the products and services you offer.
Imagine living the wildly successful lifestyle of your dreams without all the stress and hassle from the constant struggle to bring in new customers.
To do that… here are some things you’ll need to know.
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Find out exactly what it takes to TURN YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS INTO A NEW-CUSTOMER MAGNET! You don’t have to be a slave to your business to make it happen.
The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING to make Google rank you at the very top of page one… once you get this working for your small business the new customers can follow automatically.
Uncover the reasons why YOUR BEST PROSPECTS ARE GOING TO YOUR LOCAL COMPETITOR around the corner instead of your business. Then REVERSE IT SO THEY COME TO YOU.
Find the hidden problems you don’t even know about your own business that could STOP YOU COLD FROM GETTING MORE NEW CUSTOMERS, so you can correct them.
Local Businesses MUST have ONE CRITICAL TRUST ELEMENT to get new customers… find out if your business has it. If not, discover the easy way to get it fast.
If you’re making ONE PARTICULAR MISTAKE with your online business listings, then you COULD BE SABOTAGING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES FOR MORE NEW CUSTOMERS. See if you are.
Learn how some little-known insider tips can TURN GOOGLE INTO YOUR VERY OWN CUSTOMER REFERRAL SERVICE… that works like a non-stop machine 24/7/365. Get more new customers like clockwork.
REVEALED: Critical things that marketing agencies won’t tell you… and they could ABSOLUTELY BE COSTING YOU NEW CUSTOMERS!
CAUTION: Without Local Market Validation*, anyone can sell you services that you just don’t need… because you don’t have all of the facts required to make the right decisions.
* Local Market Validation™ is a special gift I have for you, and I’ll tell you about it in a minute.
The Secret Is Simply Following A New – And PROVEN – Online Marketing Method Called “LOGIC.”
It’s a step-by-step process where you give Google exactly what it’s looking for in order for them to send your small business to the top of the Google local search results.
This is a tried and true path to success for ANY local business in ANY local market.
For instance…
- Attorneys
- Car Repair
- Chiropractors
- Cosmetic Surgeons
- Dentists
- Home And Garden
- Insurance Brokers
- Med Spas
- Pest Control
- Plumbing
- Real Estate
- Salons
- Veterinarians
And ANY Other Kind Of Small Business You Can Think Of.
The More Competitive Your Local Market… The More It Will Help Your Business.
Here’s why!
It works because you’re doing exactly what Google tells you to do… you’re giving them what they want… and they reward you with more new customers.
You’ll get to page one on Google because you know what to do… you follow through…
Then The Google Algorithm Does ALL The Hard Work For You!
You should be because LOGIC is one of the most profitable secrets you’ll ever discover!
It’s an acronym for the five Google search criteria that account for 76% of their major ranking factors according to the experts on Google search – like MOZ.com.
LOGIC stands for…
Links to your website (backlinks).
On-page SEO
Google My Business
Internet reviews
These Five Things Will Virtually Guarantee That Your Small Business Will Soar In Your Local Google Search Rankings.
Here’s where you want to see your local business on page one of Google in order to get more new customers… the “local pack” and at the top of the “organic” search results.
The following statistics are critical to your success, so take a minute to review them.
Notice the ranking factors and their importance expressed as a percentage.
For the Local Pack you’ve got Google My Business (19%), Links (17%), On-Page SEO (14%), Citations (13%) and Reviews (13%).
That’s a total of 76% of the major Google algorithm local ranking factors.
Those are the LOGIC elements.
For organic search you’ve got the same things in a little different order.
There are two that are out of your control (behavioral signals and personalization), so we can’t do anything about them.
The one at the bottom of both lists – social media – is the least important, so we won’t worry about it.
Besides, many businesses have at least a Facebook page, so part of that small 4% is covered for them.
Concentrate On The Five LOGIC Factors And More New Customers Will Follow Like Clockwork… You’ll BOOST Your Profits… And Your Small Business Will Be The New Leader Of The Pack In Your Town!
The Google algorithm will see to that, WITHOUT you having to do ANY HARD WORK!
And you’ll be able to check your progress for yourself by doing quick local searches from your own office computer.
So, there’s the secret that other small businesses are using to get more new customers… LOGIC!
The Results… How Local Market Validation Helps Local Businesses Rise To The Top!
Local marketing for chiropractors is extremely competitive.
So, let’s take a look at some results where Local Market Validation™ helped a chiropractic business dominate their local search rankings.
More about Local Market Validation™ in just a minute.
This chiropractor wanted my help to go after certain keywords where he wasn’t ranking at all.
After we went through the Local Market Validation process, he asked me to help him try to get on page one of Google for 10 different keywords.
Some were in English, and some were in Spanish to help him draw in Latino patients he enjoyed working with.
Any number you see between positions 1 and 10 in the image below confirm that he was on page one of Google for that keyword (there are 10 positions on each page).
As you can see, his chiropractic business reached the VERY TOP (#1) position on the very first page for Google for each keyword where you see a “1”.
“Aetna” related keywords were harder to get to the number one spot on page one because he was actually competing with Aetna.
And for “auto accident injury” he was competing with accident injury attorneys, but he was the number one chiropractor on Google page one.
As you can see, implementing the Local Market Validation™ plan for LOGIC also works well for Yahoo and Bing.
Disclaimer: LOGIC certainly worked incredibly well for this chiropractic business, but results vary and are not guaranteed. That’s because every local business has different ranking issues to deal with and every local market is different as well.
Why does LOGIC work like crazy no matter how low your local business ranks in Google now… No matter how long you’ve been in business… No matter how popular your competition appears to be?
Here’s A Little Known Fact.
Google grades on a curve.
So, if you apply more LOGIC to your business than your direct local competition does… You get ranked higher… You get the lion’s share of the new customers.
You can take that to the bank… literally!
And the savvy small business owners using LOGIC are doing it in a strategic way that maximizes their marketing budget.
More about that in a minute.
Now You Need To Ask Yourself A Couple Of Serious Questions.
Are you satisfied with where your small business is now?
How many customers you have… Your current monthly revenue… Your level of business success.
Do you want to grow your business?
See a steady stream of new customers each month… Have extra money to invest in your business… Have the cash to take the vacations of your dreams.
If You Chose The Latter, I’ve Got Something Very Special For You.
It’s called Local Market Validation™.
Here’s the best part.
I’m going to give Local Market Validation to you for FREE!
No cost…
No obligation…
No pressure…
No sales pitch…
No kidding.
I’ll tell you why in just a minute.
So, what is Local Market Validation?
It’s a proven method that small business owners in the know use to get more new customers every month WITHOUT becoming chained to their business.
The Local Market Validation analysis “validates” that Google is getting what it needs from your business to rank it high in their results.
If you are NOT giving Google what it wants then Local Market Validation SHOWS YOU PRECISELY how to satisfy Google to rank your local business higher… MUCH, MUCH HIGHER.
And it strategically prioritizes what you do every step of the way to make sure you…
Don’t’ waste your time…
Don’t waste your money…
Don’t miss out on getting the new customers that are absolutely critical to the success of your small business.
About 50% Of Small Businesses Fail Within Their First Five Years!
Don’t be one of them!
A system – like LOGIC – that brings you more new customers every month can be your safeguard, protecting your local business from failure.
Local Market Validation Is A Blueprint – A Step By Step Guide – For Your Local Google Ranking LOGIC Success!
Who Exactly Is Local Market Validation For?
If Any Of The Following Apply To You… Then You DEFINITELY Need Local Market Validation™
You’re TIRED OF RUNNING YOURSELF RAGGED to get new customers.
You’re TOO BUSY to spend a lot of time on marketing.
You understand that attracting new customers from ONLINE IS THE KEY TO GROWING YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS IN THIS AGE OF THE INTERNET.
You want to SPEND MORE TIME SELLING TO NEW CUSTOMERS and running your business.
You’ve OPENED A NEW SMALL BUSINESS in the last year, or two.
You’re SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY ON GOOGLE ADWORDS pay per click campaigns.
You want to FIND BETTER PROSPECTS who are easier to convert into PAYING CUSTOMERS.
You want to INJECT NEW LIFE INTO YOUR BUSINESS to make it grow.
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Here’s Why I’m Going To Give You Local Market Validation For FREE… If You Take Me Up On My Offer Today..
Because most small business owners just want to focus on running their businesses.
They don’t have time to do anything else.
So, what I get out of this deal is an opportunity to put my services at the top of your list if you decide you want some help.
It’s that simple.
I normally sell Local Market Validation for $299.
But you can get it FREE if you sign up today.
I suggest you take me up on this offer now because I can’t do this forever.
And when it’s gone… it’s gone!
Stop Struggling And Working So Hard To GET MORE NEW CUSTOMERS… Do What Other Smart Local Business Owners Do… Use The PROVEN, EASY Way To Get ALL The New Customers You Want… Like Clockwork!
Use the form below now to get your FREE Local Market Validation™ analysis.
Or you can call me, Bob, at (949) 635-9281 if you have any questions or want me to start your Local Market Validation right away.